If there are severe weather conditions in our area, please call our office for possible changes in office hours.

If you need to change or cancel your appointment, we kindly require that you contact our office at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment in order to accommodate other patients’ schedules. If you need to notify us after our regular business hours, you may leave a message on our office management voicemail at 847.432.0200.

Please call us if you anticipate that you will be more than 10 minutes late for any appointments.

An office visit with the physician requires a prior appointment. We kindly request that all patients call for an appointment time with the physician before coming to the office.

Immunotherapy injections (“allergy shots”) are by appointment only. No allergy shot is given if a patient arrives after the close of business hours.

Prescription refill requests are only taken care of during office hours.

When the office is closed, the physician may be paged for an urgent or severe medical problem through the office phone system.